Key Changes in the Updated Terms & Conditions

We are updating the Terms & Conditions of Interactive Paper GmbH, which will take effect on the 15th of August, 2024. This document provides an overview of the key changes.

Price Offers and Invoicing

  • New explicit clauses on pricing exclusions and additional charges for client-induced changes.
  • Separate invoicing for press proofs and samples.
  • Payments terms have been standardized with specific details on prepayment requirements.

Delivery and Acceptance

  • Detailed terms on delivery tolerances, grace periods for delivery delays, and client obligations for timely acceptance of goods.
  • Clarified responsibilities for storage costs in case of default of acceptance.

Warranty and Liability

  • Warranty period remains at 6 months with more explicit conditions on functionality standards and defect reporting.
  • Defined limitations on liability for damages and exclusions for slight negligence, except for personal injury or product liability claims.

Service Fees and Modifications

  • Introduction of market rate fees for services rendered, and conditions under which cost estimates may be exceeded.
  • Specific terms on client-induced modifications or cancellations and associated cost responsibilities.

Ownership and Intellectual Property:

Clearer definitions regarding the ownership of work aids and usage rights, ensuring non-exclusive distribution rights for clients.

Termination and Cancellation Policies:

  • New clauses on termination procedures, including a 70% cancellation fee of the total contract value for unilateral terminations by the client without just cause.
  • Introduction of a voucher system for postponements instead of cancellations.

Availability and Indemnification:

More detailed terms on the availability of web services, temporary unavailability due to maintenance, and indemnification obligations in case of third-party claims.

Miscellaneous Provisions:

Updated governing law and jurisdiction details, with a commitment to transparency and fairness in our business operations.

To review the updated Terms & Conditions, please click  here .
To review the previous Terms & Conditions, please click  here .